A whimper of pleasure… a smouldering scream of longing. Every ounce of her despair, her sexual torment, resonates throughout the room, sounds which never penetrate through the mystically sound-proofed room.

Her hips remain held up by an unseen yet powerful grasp, keeping her so vulnerably on her front, completely exposed. Any time she moves her hands anywhere below her neckline, they are  quickly pulled back up. She cannot see her tormentors, nor can she hear them, every plea and scream seems to fall on deaf ears as they continue to manhandle her like a doll. No matter how much she tries in vain to free herself, to move away, they hold her steady in the position they delight in, leaving her to simply rock her hips in dire need.

It feels like hours have passed, yet they show no signs of stopping. Over and over she is brought to the brink of orgasm by the merciless forces around her, showing no sympathy as she constantly begs to be made to come. At first she had tried to fight the ghostly advances, yet it took them little time to strip her, to ravish her, leaving her with solely the animalistic need brought to the surface.

Countless touches linger on her exposed flower, teasing her to the edge before the sensation of hundreds of tiny tongues encasing her peeled back, exposed clitoris makes her scream. Hundreds of flickers to her throbbing, aching jewel keeps her on the edge for longer than even the cruellest of fantasies could imagine.

No matter how much she screams out for the merciful release of orgasm, or how many tears of pleasure soaked agony line her flushed red cheeks, they do not relent. While they continue to edge her over and over, they are not gentle; sucking her clitoris so hard, exploring her sex so deeply, yet no matter how roughly they feast on her, they always keep her teetering on the brink.

Whether bringing her to the closest possible peak of climax repeatedly without rest, or holding her on the edge for longer than humanly possible, they never change their pattern or slow down, keeping her juices running down her thighs and dripping onto the bed.

Even through the sensations neither her mind nor body can comprehend or handle, the sweet relief of passing out is not granted. While she cries out, screams, begs and writhes her sweat coated body, they continue unhindered, not allowing for the inferno to ever dwindle.  

This hell will be endured for as long as the entities wish, and they are in no rush. They have all the time in the world to deliver their sweet anguish… the anguish of being tortured by silent, invisible entities which cannot be touched nor pleaded with.

They have merely just begun.

Content for the submission created by: PleasureTorture

He told her that he would bring her to the pinnacle of orgasm for at least an hour. The sensation was unlike anything; she simply giggled at first, unsure how to react to such sensations. After a while, she began to realise that this burning need would not simply fade, but by that time, it was too late to stop…

As the second hour of denial passed, her giggles became desperate cries for release… cries for an orgasm that would not come. If only she knew how it felt to be trapped in this torment for so long before she agreed to it.

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Just Enough

Time had lost all importance: not a moment had passed where his shaft had not felt the soft, wet, teasing sensations of a tongue sliding up and down, flicking against his manhood continuously. He wanted nothing more than for them to just keep wrapping those gorgeous lips around him, to grant the mercy of a more physically impacting pleasure; the two knew this and it fueled their desires even more.

They gazed sensually at the object of their lust, relishing the sensation of his throbbing cock against their tongues, knowing exactly when to slow down, to prolong the joy. They could feel the fast beat of his heart pulsing through his shaft, twitching in the rhythm of his sexual exertion.

The fluttering of their lapping tongues drove him wild, yet for what must have been hours, the sensations had cruelly not been enough to tip him over the edge, keeping him locked in a perpetual state of pleasure. One of the girls kept a hand tightly around the base of his shaft, feeling every surge that pumped through his cock, knowing just when the pinnacle was near. It constantly pulsed and she knows there was no denying it any longer. Never had his cock felt so erect, so full and so complete. Their tongues continued to work him, not changing even as his ecstasy erupted. Every inch of him seized as pleasure overcame him, every minute they had kept him locked in this arousal now climaxing in one moment. Having been teased for so long with such little flickers of sensation, even those minute touches were finally enough to at last topple him over into orgasm. As long as he stayed erect though, they would continue to carry on just as before.

Continue reading Just Enough

She takes her time, bringing them to the edge repeatedly one after the other, moving on to the next and back again. Their throbbing cocks pulsate with need as she wonders who will be the last to give in.

The three of them must stay hard throughout while holding back the orgasm which constantly surges through that twitching shaft. The hardest part is looking into those hungry, lustful eyes of hers, knowing that if they manage to outlast the other two, the prize of fucking her will be theirs. The thought of penetrating her tight, wet pussy makes it even more unbearable.

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Passage of Pleasure (Flash Version)

How much erotic torment can you withstand?

An interactive, flash based tease for females which requires only your imagination and fingertips (or perhaps someone else’s). If toys are available however, use them for the relevant parts dictated by the scenarios (such as a massage wand vibrator and a dildo). The game requires Adobe flash. Simply follow the instructions in order to progress to the next room. With each room comes more teasing, denial and edging.

The end of the tease gives a chance to climax as well as an option for those who are not allowed or do not wish to.

Due to the difficulty and length of the tease, it may be necessary for some to complete it in sections (there are 5 sections or ‘rooms’ in relation to the tease, in total), though do not give in and orgasm until permission is granted. If you climax before you are granted it, either denying yourself an orgasm for 5 days afterwards, or alternatively, giving yourself 3 ruined orgasms in a row at the next opportunity, will be sufficient punishment.

Will you be able to make it to the end and earn your reward?

“Go ahead, try and move. I want you to suffer. I can see you want to move so bad, as if it would give you any relief at all, maybe you wouldn’t feel so helpless. The fact is, you ARE helpless, there is absolutely no escape for you, my dear. Go ahead, scream out again, scream for me to let you come.”

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The Tease

It is time for you to immerse yourself in the pleasures you crave, to experience the sensations you most desire…

Carry out the actions as closely to the images as possible, if oil and toys are available to you, use them appropriately… though whether you have items on hand or not, all that matters is that you are immersed in pleasure.

You will not dare come until you are allowed to.

To edge is to feel yourself on the brink of orgasm, almost ready to climax, just a few strokes away from that sweet release. It is something you may feel often in this tease; you do not need to stop yourself edging, unless otherwise stated, just do not let yourself go over that edge.

https://freeonlinedice.com/ – You can use this as your dice for later, otherwise (if you cannot or do not wish to use the dice) simply carry out the actions as much as you can bear.

You will begin with only your tightest panties on, whatever you feel sexiest wearing, whatever would make your toes curl to envisage yourself being teased in (that would also feel nice covered in oil if you wish to use oil for the tease). If you are not already wearing only them… caress your body and feel every delicate slender curve for a minute and then remove a single piece of clothing… do this until you are left in only that single piece of lingerie.

Now that you are ready… lie back spread-eagle, with your legs spread out as if they were tied in place…

If you have any massage oil, trickle it along your cleavage.

The slow, deliberate trickle of oil against your bare skin sets your body and mind alight. So smooth and silky, you know that those warm palms can feel the stiffness of your nipples beneath them. Just like you were told, you keep your hands up above you, purring in anticipation for what is to come…

Continue reading The Tease

“Good girl… now, again! Yes, I know it’s hard but the only way we will let you leave is if you follow the commands… good girl. You said you wanted to be pushed, now take it.

No, they didn’t type for you to stop… playing with your breasts won’t ease the need. Keep going, they all want you to hold it longer. It is no use begging, your need for release is to be savoured.

That’s it, keep it going, feel that pulsing wetness lingering between your thighs.

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“Oh God… Please, sir… PLEASE!!!”

“Hold it.”

“Fuck… Oh fuck.”

“You’re making me throb inside you.”

“MMMM Yes.”

“Your pussy juices are dripping down my cock, dripping down my balls.”

“FFFFUCK… PLEASE, I’m going to cum!”

“NO. Hold it.”

“Aaaaaa… Please, please, oh God.”

Over and over she rides him, sliding her dripping wet sex up and down, clenching so tightly around his impaled cock. Such powerful, unwavering stiffness filling her, drilling her to an orgasm she desperately tries to hold back, no matter how much her body screams for it to gush forth.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: New Sensations

It Never Takes Long

One hour? Two hours?

How long had they tortured her like this?

Time did not seem to exist anymore, all that existed in her world was the burning need within her sex, within her very core.

“P… Please… Pleeease… Oh God… Oh God… PLEASE!!!” she begged, to no reply.

She was wary about going back with them, but she had no idea this is what they had in store for her. The seduction had been fun, incredibly erotic, yet she  was unaware that this was all part of their typical ploy. Once the three women had seduced her, had her all alone with them, they knew she was all theirs.

Naked and helpless, the teasing started slow, as always. A few times being brought to the edge was an unusual experience for their targets, such intense build up stirred things within them that they had never felt before. Taken playfully at first, it isn’t long until it turns to frustration… then to need… then to desperation. 

They take it in turns, continuously and unrelentingly feasting on her sex, relishing in the helpless girl’s torture.

It never takes too long until the tears start to flow; it merely makes them lick, suck, fondle and tease even more. 

She moans, she screams, she begs… 

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: RealityKings