The following is an excerpt from the fantasy novel I’m working on called ‘Marks of Eros’.
It is nearing completion (after which I’ll begin the editing process) and hadn’t planned on posting any of it, however as thanks for someone’s recent Ko-fi tip I thought it’d be nice to post a portion of this chapter. There is of course context missing in some elements, but this chapter gives a feeling for the world of ‘Marks of Eros’.
This chapter focuses on male denial in front of an audience.

Under the sun’s spotlight on a balmy evening, the audience cheered after every groan of desperate need.
The prisoner, Lance, was securely strapped to an inversion table draped in red silk, which stood upright. The silk bindings were meticulously tied around his ankles, thighs, waist, wrists – pinned at his sides – and upper body, ensuring he could not move at all.
Multiple near-naked dancers were weaving in and out of one another in a synchronised display of eroticism around him. Some of the men were fully naked, their erect lengths receiving glancing touches from the passing female dancers, who were all clad in beautiful, intricately crafted red lingerie. The dancers’ lithe, oil-coated bodies rippled in the light, shining as they glided around the stage. Fire and light burst from around the platform to further hypnotise the audience.
Drummers around the stage kept a pulsing beat that throbbed throughout the amphitheatre, almost keeping in beat with the throbbing focal point at the centre of the stage. Lance’s erect length was constantly having Succubus oil drizzled over it by the passing dancers, ensuring it twitched with yearning.
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