Comfort, security, warmth, relaxation… these are some of the most important aspects to ensure the most wonderful masturbation and pleasure. Comfort must be your reality.

However, in your fantasies, in your erotic imagination, you can concoct the most wicked and intense scenarios. When you next touch and tease yourself, you can imagine the helplessness, the lack of control. Restrained and unable to escape, unable to cry out or give any word or signal for it to cease. Trapped and helpless to do anything other than whimper, moan and cry in torturous ecstasy.

The vibrator pressed to your intimacy, unforgiving and unstoppable. Forced to endure orgasms that melt your body and sap your will. There is no mercy. There is no escape. The orgasms continue far beyond your ability to cope with them, far beyond your capability to endure the assault of brutal pleasure. Perhaps your fantasy pushes you further, not letting your fantasy self experience the relief of your sex becoming desensitised and numb to the vibrations. Instead, you imagine it going on and on until you see yourself passing out repeatedly from the cruel ordeal, always waking to the unending barrage of sensations drilling your body and punishing your clit.

Your reality is heavenly. Your fantasy is hellish.

You won’t feel any less comfort, yet you’ll feel so much more intensity.

As much as you try to match the pleasure of your fantasy in reality, you’ll always fail. Yet, the attempt will always be wonderful.

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Work-Life Balance

You wanted to experience what I can do to you?

I couldn’t help but smirk a little when you first asked. On the phones at work, those brief moments when you managed to prise the details of my sexual appetite from my lips. Perhaps it was the tone, maybe the choice of words, maybe even the way I looked you deep in the eyes as I spoke, but something sparked that fire, that longing. The curiosity kept getting the better of you, asking how I did it to the other girls, where you could watch it, what kinds of toys I used and how I used them. Work was never the suitable place to answer in detail, but I gave you just enough to keep your imagination alight. Finally, once I thought your curiosity had run its course, after such silence on the topic, you asked the question that caused that smile, which you still think of now. How I pictured you teasing and pleasuring yourself to the content I had led you to, wanting to allow you to explore your desires to the fullest. Though I never expected the words to drift from your alluring lips.

“Would you do that to me? Even just once?”

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Just imagine being in her position right now, completely lost in the sensations, trapped in the eroticism. 

That motion along your chest, those fleeting little sensations up and down your cleavage, leading that scenic pathway to those slowly stiffening peaks. The little pinch that makes you feel those sharp little tugs from her pursed lips. It’s only when you are desperate for more, once you cannot stand the attention placed solely on your chest, that the motions lead downwards. 

Just trailing along your thighs, leading that swirling dance towards that coveted space. The tender motions, almost like brushstrokes, sweep closer and closer until your hips plead for contact. 

You can feel it so clearly as the lips press right there, the way your wrists would strain against those bonds in a bid for some resemblance of control. Behind the blindfold, you can imagine countless lovers and idols of lust. All of them feasting so intently upon that soft, sweet sex. How that mouth would work you to a frenzy, just keeping you held in the clutches of bliss but never quite unleashing the fury you need. Always keeping steady enough to not let you veer too close. Not quite to get you to the edge repeatedly, but instead to merely take the very longest route.

On and on that mouth suckles and caresses, like the slowest masturbation, just enough to build it, but so slowly it takes every ounce of control not to speed up. At this speed, you know what that wondrous lover between your legs knows; once you finally climax, it will feel more intense than any other way you’ve masturbated before. But it won’t stop or speed up. That pace will keep you held in the grasp of that orgasm for the longest time possible.

That’s it, get ready for it. You know it’s coming…

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For so long, you’ll think that it’s about teasing you. You’ll think that is why I restrained you. Those delicious little moments when you sway those hips and tense that cute ass of yours, hoping to entice me to let you come. Perhaps in those minutes, while you aren’t quite teetering on the brink, you’ll wonder whether you’ll handle the orgasm to follow, whether I’ll push you too much, but that passes; your need to orgasm pushes all else aside. 

It’s during those most intense periods when it’s hard to tell whether that shine to your skin is still just from the massage oil or from sweat; that is when the real begging starts. But it is just before the first orgasm hits you, just when my fingers slip within you, that you realise that the bonds that hold you are going to feel just that bit tighter very soon. 

At first, you don’t pull so hard, simply caught up in the pure rapture that encases you. However, when you come down and realise it isn’t stopping, then you know there’s no going back. They feel so tight around your wrists and legs, as if every orgasm tightens them just that little more as if it’s the rope itself that wants to torture you. No matter whether it is the fingers or the vibrator working your pussy to a frenzy over and over again, every time you orgasm, your sex feels just that little more exposed and helpless. 

You keep asking yourself the question whether, after I have used the vibrator and after I’ve used my fingers to make you scream out, I’ll let you go. You should instead be asking yourself, once she’s used the vibrator and her fingers on me, will she then use her mouth?

After all, why do you think I restrained you so securely like this?

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It’s not always about teasing you. Sometimes, I just need to make you come until you can barely breathe. Making sure you can’t get away, pleasure becomes something that is thrust upon you, something you endure while shaking from the intensity. Orgasm, climax, to come: these are all words that are too tame to describe what I want you to feel. Yet, to put it simply, I want to devastate you with pleasure beyond your limits.

GIF from the erotic video ‘Lilly’ on Click for my affiliate link to see, hear and read more erotic content.

Hold Yourself Back (video session)

She didn’t hold back from playing with herself before our meeting, so a little tease and denial was needed. Restrained, teased and then finally overstimulated with pleasure, these are segments of a session with various edits where necessary.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Model: Nova Gold

That complete loss of control, it is what you desire most.

Knowing you cannot stop that constant, burning pleasure, that near the unendurable pulse of the vibrator, that relentless ache of every impending orgasm. Even the slightest give in the restraints feels almost too lenient. You want it to hold you even tighter, and make you suffer even more through every agonising wave of ecstasy. That gushing, white-hot pleasure that keeps you screaming isn’t enough to crush the need for more and more. Only when the flood of sensation starts to almost hurt that you feel the need to say it’s getting too much, though just as you had hoped from the beginning, there is no chance of it stopping. Your body will give out far before your mind’s need for torturous pleasure can be fulfilled. You will always suffer so much for what you love most.

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When you were dancing with me in the club, you had no idea that I’d be the thrill you were seeking. When I asked you what your name was, did you ever expect that you’d be crying out mine while I took you with such animalistic ferocity? When our hips swayed to the music on the dance floor, did you possibly imagine that I’d be fucking you so relentlessly while your wrists were bound helplessly just the way you like, my bedroom set-up to accommodate the kinky desires you relish in? When you first saw me looking so inconspicuous amongst the crowd, did you have any idea that I’d delight in making you come until you could take no more? I’m going to fuck you until I’m certain that you’ll never forget just what I can do to you. 

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