They informed you that with their wish fulfilment package, they would stop nothing short of fulfilling whatever desire you requested.

Now that your body is on fire and your pussy is a swollen inferno of over-stimulation, now that your screams and pleas are doing nothing to slow them down, you begin to wish that you hadn’t solely instructed them simply to make you come until you passed out.

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Hold Yourself Back (video session)

She didn’t hold back from playing with herself before our meeting, so a little tease and denial was needed. Restrained, teased and then finally overstimulated with pleasure, these are segments of a session with various edits where necessary.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Model: Nova Gold

“Now is the time to find out just why I wanted you to abstain from masturbating at all for two weeks – I wanted this gorgeous pussy to be so sensitive. I know how sensitive your clitoris usually is, so I can’t even imagine how it is going to feel once this torments that little cherry. These feathers are going to constantly spin against your clit for as long as I want, and I’m feeling cruel today…

Oh dear, it must be torture not being able to move away from these constantly whipping feathers. You can’t take it anymore? Don’t be silly, you’ve been telling me for the past 15 minutes that your clitoris is too tender, yet that hasn’t stopped you from coming so hard. No, I won’t be stopping quite so soon.”

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“Tell us, where is she? We have the still images that were taken with you and Faith yesterday night.”

“I hope you enjoyed the broadcast.”

“You’re going to go away for a long time if you don’t cooperate. We’ve spent years working to take down your operation. Now, where is Faith?”

“But just look at that image, darling, you can see that I wasn’t doing anything to her that she didn’t truly crave. I bet that when she infiltrated our lab, she was just praying that she’d be captured and taken by us. Just look at her face and tell me that this isn’t the expression of someone who is having every desire fulfilled.”

“Stop it! That drug you gave her-”

“Oh, darling! It’s far too wonderful a creation to simply refer to it as a drug. Late-X is one of our most brilliant concoctions. She put up a little struggle, of course, when we slipped the latex suit on her, but doesn’t she look wonderful in it? Her gorgeous curves are so on display for you. Fuck – I just want to go back and make her scream all over ag-”

“Enough! What is the drug you gave her?”

“Don’t interrupt me, and I’ll tell you. So anyhow, when we slipped that enticing latex suit on her, she soon realised that our much-coveted aphrodisiac was laced within. She squirmed and writhed as we restrained her. She tried her best to maintain her composure once I brought out the vial of Late-X. We started the timer the moment I applied a drop of it to her clitoris, though she couldn’t understand the effects yet. She struggled to focus on anything other than the desperate need coursing through her body. You can see the delight on my face as I started using the toys on her.”

“So Late-X is another aphrodisiac?”

“Oh, not at all. There was enough aphrodisiac in her outfit to keep her writhing and begging for attention for days. No – the effects of Late-X were apparent to her once I slid that dildo inside her and pressed the vibrator right on her pulsating little clit. With how desperate to climax she already was, she should have come right at the second the vibrator pressed against that hypersensitive little jewel. Just look at how her cute little clit is so eager for attention.”

“Get to the point!”

“Demanding, aren’t you? Well, she tried her best to compose herself. You should be proud of her. Every other test subject only lasted a few seconds before they started screaming for their orgasm. She lasted an entire two minutes. The timer was set for ten minutes. Though once she realised what was happening, she let it all out. Pleading and begging non-stop… you see, Late-X keeps the victim unable to orgasm until the effect wears off, yet every sensation of pleasure is amplified. We have managed to measure the exact quantities needed for specific time frames – which is how we are able to count down the orgasm to the exact second. Impressive, isn’t it?”

“You’re sick. I’ll make sure that we bring your entire organization crumbling down. You-”

“Oh, darling, don’t be so dramatic. Look at her expression – utter bliss. If only you could have heard how much she cried out for me to let her come. Her pussy just would not stop constantly dripping. I must admit, I almost felt sorry for her. Just that short time must have been hell; she wouldn’t stop screaming for me to show some mercy and let her come. She knew she was being watched, broadcast to so many eager eyes, she just couldn’t contain herself as you can clearly see- don’t you want to watch more of the footage?”

“…and once the timer hit zero?”

“She got what she craved. Though all the orgasms that had been halted over the course of that ten minutes, all of those peaks of ecstasy that were halted while I tormented her pussy, all were released in succession. Can you imagine the sounds, the shrieks of someone having orgasm after orgasm torn from them in succession? How she thrashed in the restraints, needing to escape the onslaught of pleasure that was torturing her. I can assure you, I was relentless.”

“You’ll pay for this!”

“Oh, it didn’t stop there… I just had to do it again and again. Ten minutes every time. I think the worst part for her was knowing exactly what was going to happen but unable to do anything to stop it.”

“Enough! Where is she now? What did you do with her once you were done?”

“Done with her? I don’t think you understand. You may have captured me last night, but in all the time you have had me here, you should have been looking for her. Since I had my fun last night, we haven’t stopped since.”

Images: Miki3dx

Story: PleasureTorture

Haunted House (Stephanie)

Toys Multiple-Orgasms Bondage. Stephanie couldn’t decide what fantasy turned her on the most, the waiver form showing clearly that she had many desires on her mind. The Haunted House did not want to deny her any satisfaction.

When Stephanie and the remaining companions entered a room full of smoke, they all started to become drowsy.

“We need to get out of here,” yelled one of her friends.

As they all began to sprint through the room, a case of the blind following the blind as they aimlessly pressed onward, Stephanie became sluggish and fell behind, succumbing the most to the effects of the smoke, which seemed to possess the quality of sleeping gas. Once the rest of the group exited the room, only just about making it out before giving in to unconsciousness, they realised Stephanie was gone. They did not dare venture back, leaving the sleeping girl to whatever fate the haunted house had in store for her.

Continue reading Haunted House (Stephanie)

Teasing Session

Restrained and receiving various methods of erotic torment and tantalisation.  The video collects a PleasureTorture session involving slow and sensual teasing through erotic whispers and constant stimulation. 

Try playing along and holding back your orgasm until the very end.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Teased and Tantalised…

Video captured from a session involving an oily massage and teasing with feathers, paintbrushes, glass dildos and a vibrator. With a blindfold on, headphones are also put in place so that she can hear the sounds of female pleasure and orgasmic release throughout her gentle teasing until an orgasm is finally granted. 

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Tied and Denied, Until Finally…


Collecting moments of restraint and denial… of being brought to the edge of climax over and over until finally the orgasm is granted. Her sex feasted on relentlessly until the begging to be allowed to cum soon becomes begging for it to stop.

The sound quality is sadly very poor.  

Content created by: PleasureTorture