The Club

She had been to this sex club many times before, if nothing more than to simply watch and enjoy the spectacle throughout the rooms; when she heard of the forced orgasm play room however, she thought that she’d have to finally get involved. She’d always wanted to experience the thrill of being made to come beyond her control, yet when her wrists were securely strapped, she began to wonder how much she’d be able to take. She was happy to let anyone have a turn using the toys on her, so long as her lingerie was kept on. Once she felt the immense vibration of the wand vibrator however, she felt entirely naked. The powerful buzzing against her pussy made it feel as if there was nothing between the vibrator and her delicate skin.

With the combination of such excitement from taking part and the intense new feelings that the toy was bringing her, the first orgasm took little time to hit her – and hit her hard it did. Her breath was taken away in an instant as her climax wracked her body. Only the chains could hold her up as her legs gave way, the vibrator and its handler not giving any respite. The second and third orgasms shook her to the very core. So unrelenting and penetrating was this vibration to her sex that it almost scared her how much of an effect it was having. Still it did not stop.

No matter how much she tried to close her legs, they would not stop using the vibrator on her. No matter how much she looked at them in a pleading way, begging with them that she couldn’t orgasm any more, they still continued to make her come. Only after her clitoris became numb with over-sensitivity and her pussy lips were swollen red were the cuffs on her wrists removed.

Once carefully taken down, she was led to a chair to rest, yet little did she know that it was not over yet. While collecting herself and regaining her breath and composure, they began restraining her to the chair. While she could have easily told them that she had reached her limit, somehow, the words wouldn’t come out; she wanted to see where this would take her. While in her mind, she was curious as to whether she could come again, her body was not ready for it; the vibrator pressed to her overstimulated pussy and made every muscle in her body clench. Screaming, she tried all she could to get away from the stimulation, but it did no good. After fighting to swivel her hips and close her thighs to the torrent of torturous pleasure, she gave in and said she was finished. While it stopped, the man, now in control of the wand, spoke.

“Okay… just one more orgasm, and then we can untie you.”

Screaming, writhing and almost in tears of pleasure, that was the most intense, rewarding orgasm she would ever have.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Your fingers torment your delicacy at the whim of your imagination, never letting you give way to the orgasm you so desire. He returns to add to your torment, that stranger, that embodiment of male physicality, a hunger for your soft, tender, sensitive body. You feel her spread your pussy for his pulsating length, your body tensing in both your mind’s eye and in reality. Your fingers act out the cruel teasing, slipping part in and out, the tip of his cock penetrating you then pulling out just as your pussy lips quiver for more, your tight hole convulsing for the shaft that is not there. You wonder why you don’t allow yourself the release: the way your body shudders repeatedly on the brink, yearning for that sweet orgasmic eruption, yet still something within you keeps you locked within the confines of pleasure torture.

Over and over you slide in and out, feeling his cock tease you, feeling it slick with your own juices as it slips effortlessly back inside once again. You want to come so much you scream, the feeling of him thrusting in and out a few times is alone enough to nearly send you over the edge, yet still you stop yourself as his stiffness slips from within you once more.

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Long Night

Tonight is going to be a long, long night.

She had bought the house having been warned against the strange occurrences within, knowing that the man who had previously rented it spoke of strange whispers and had sensed other presences within. She, however, thought little of this foolishness. Though after living there for over a month, the rumours proved quite true.

She had been masturbating before it happened, thinking of being fucked hard and fast by different men, getting so close to climax at the thought of such intense penetration. When she was on the verge, however, she suddenly blacked out. It only felt like a second later that she awoke in the bed, yet now she was wearing some other attire, her body uncovered, her wrists restrained to the bed, helpless. 

The sensation of being near climax still somehow tingled throughout her body, yet there was nothing she could do to relieve the desire. After a moment, the whispers began, whispers of pure sexual desire, whispers of how erotic she looked, how much they wanted to fuck her. Suddenly a blindfold slipped over her eyes as she called out, begging the invisible entities to let her go – still, they merely whispered their desires.

Her fear began to give way to astonishment as the sensation of cool fingertips caressed her body, lightly tracing every inch. After an hour of this, her fear had been entirely replaced by pure need. The blindfold kept her constantly in a state of uncertainty, locked in her own imagination, while the non-stop light as a feather touches kept her aching for more.

Hours went by like this, being constantly touched and teased without relief. She begged, she screamed, she cried out for more, but still, the presences which feasted on her arousal seemed content to let her writhe in anguish. 

After many more hours, they began to focus on those most sensitive little areas; the sensation of fingertips, tongues and lips trailing over her nipples, over the unbearable sensitivity of her soaking wet sex, over her aching, pulsating clitoris. 

Having resigned herself to this cruel fate, she realises that nothing will stop them. Tonight will be a long night of constant teasing torture. Her only hope is that, by the end, they might let her have the orgasm she prays for.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: Harmony

Kidnapped on the way home from the party, Anna had no idea that her Halloween outfit was a perfect match for the crime-fighting heroine ‘Blue Spark’. The cruel Mistress Spider did not believe any of the protests and pleas from the innocent girl. Mistress Spider wanted the exact details of the heroes’ hideout and was intent on torturing the information from her no matter how long it took. Ensnared by Mistress Spider, Anna could only beg and scream as she was forced to orgasm repeatedly and relentlessly.

No matter what Anna said, the merciless villain did not stop; Anna soon began to try to will herself to pass out, yet still, her body was wracked with orgasm after orgasm. Mistress Spider was certain that soon the woman would crack, that soon the countless, constant orgasms would force even Blue Spark to give in. Until then, she was going to simply enjoy the display. For Anna, there was no escape. 

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The moments when you realise, as you pull uselessly against the restraints, just how intense being forced to orgasm over and over again would be. Realising that the more you fight it, the more rewarding it is to see you overcome by unendurable ecstasy. 

Unable to stop the constant vibration against your sex, unable to rock your hips to relieve some of the intensity, unable to see or say anything. You are simply locked within your own thoughts, thoughts solely of when the next orgasm will come and whether you’ll be able to take another… even though there is little choice.

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They had been waiting so patiently for this… to have her all alone; she knew it was coming, she fantasised about it, craved it, yet it was still a surprise when they did finally make their move.

It was the perfect opportunity, secluded in the holiday resort with the object of their desires. She had given them more than one hint that she was curious.

She had, however, not quite expected them to restrain her once she woke. Even though sleeping naked made it clear she was welcoming it, the feeling of being helpless was quite intense, particularly with knowing that they had been yearning for the opportunity to show her the joys women could give for a very long time. There was no teasing, no gentle introduction. They simply pounced on her at this opportunity and had their way with her, their intentions quite clear – to make her come harder than ever before.

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