A Little Foreplay

Simply the opening of a private teasing session. A little insight into someone being so turned on and aroused by the sensations that even the smallest things can bring about such intense reactions. What followed after can be left to the imagination. Just think to yourself, how it would feel being so turned on that just sucking your nipple could elicit such a reaction. Now think to yourself how it would feel when that mouth moves down to an even more sensitive little spot…

Content created: PleasureTorture

I and You


I stand here before you, watching you sway in the rhythm of your sexual longing. My words seem to still be echoing in your mind, telling you just how to masturbate yourself, making sure not to push you over the edge. I love thinking about how it must feel, to realise that if simply masturbating to the brink and stopping could feel so intense, intense enough to start begging me for mercy, just how will it feel for you once I take over. I’ve seen you at your most intimate, I know just how far I can push you.

“Again,” I command as you beg once more, taken to the limit of what your own touch can provide. Your waist bounces rapidly to the strum of your fingers, making my cock tense for a moment as I imagine what it would be like to feel you right now. To feel how your pussy must be convulsing after being nearly granted the climax that has been tantalising it for some time now. It takes all my willpower to not leap towards your tensing body, enticed by the little trail of your pussy juice which drips from your tender apex. Watching your arousal build to a visible trail of pleasure has kept me yearning to do so much more to you, but patience always yields the sweetest results.

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It Started So Playfully…

It all started playfully enough, I hadn’t expected her to agree to be restrained, but all the teasing, all the sensuality of the moment, must have taken its toll.

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Two Participants

The soothing hum of an air conditioner drifts through the office, filling the void of the girl’s hesitation at the question.“No, not for over two years,” she finally responds. 

The interviewer makes a note. “Any encounters within this period?”

“…Yeah,” follows the pause.

“If you care to say so, roughly, how recently was this?”

A rustling of paperwork fills the moment’s silence as the young woman averts her gaze.

“It was – um, about …uh, 4 months ago.”

“Lastly, have you been looking for any further partners recently?” the interviewer asks softly, making sure not to offend or embarrass the gentle looking girl before him.

Lifting her deep blue eyes to his, she firmly states, “No, just enjoying my independence,” before giving a warm smile.

The interviewer smiles back and turns off the sound recorder on his desk which separates them both in the spacious, finely decorated office room. Laying down his notes methodically, he addresses the girl.

Continue reading Two Participants

Holiday Haunting

Readings of a few short erotic-horror stories to excite and arouse. All stories focus on orgasm denial, with a couple containing elements of forced orgasm torment.

The stories included are:

They Will Return (0.00 – 6.57) The Being (6.58 – 15.45) The Trapped Man (15.46 – 18.25) Enjoying His Work (18.26 – End)

Soundgasm link (in case audio file does not work correctly).

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Female vocals by: AEisMe

Your Sweet Torment

Let your imagination wander, your fingers will soon follow…

The tease is designed for use with a vibrator, though use whatever setting you feel best with. If you struggle to hold the vibrator or keep it against you when things get a little more intense, try using a belt around your waist to keep the vibe trapped in place (or placed beneath your underwear) while it is left on (this would also allow you to keep your arms and legs spread to further immerse you).

Do not dare orgasm until given permission of course, though if you do, be sure to stop and ruin it… then punish yourself by ruining your next orgasm.

Helplessly, all you can do is give in to the desires ceaselessly coursing through your body. Restrained and blindfolded, even the slightest touch from our fingertips sends a surge through you. Never has your pleasure been so out of your hands, entirely out of your own control.

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Her Sweet Torment

Helplessly, all she could do was give in to the desires ceaselessly coursing through her body. Restrained and blindfolded, even the slightest touch from our fingertips sent a surge throughout. Never had her pleasure been so out of her own hands, to be so out of her own control.

We kept her on the edge for what felt like hours, never giving the mercy she pleaded for. Relentlessly tortured, as however much she screamed in pleasure, it was never enough to satisfy our desires.

As the wand pulled away, she begged for more until the moment that pulsing vibration settled between her legs once again, taking her breath away. Arching her back, tensing her body, hoping that this will be the moment… but again, her torment continued.

Continue reading Her Sweet Torment

It isn’t merely the act itself that keeps you dripping with arousal. It’s knowing that you are the centre of our attention, the focal point of our lust and desire. That is why we haven’t let you climax quite yet. We want to keep you right at the point that we enjoy most, the moment where your own attention is on the same thing as ours, your pleasure. Where your orgasm is all your mind can focus on, the inescapable need. It keeps your pussy so wet, your clitoris so sensitive, and your moans so sweet. 

I just love when you don’t know which one of us you should beg to, which one of us might say the word you crave, ‘Come’.

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Enjoying His Work

If she knew what he really was, she’d have run long ago. A being from a world that sees humankind as toys to play with. A being possessing powers beyond human comprehension. A being that takes pure joy in deriving torture from pleasure.

It was the sensitivity within her body he could read that drew him to her as much as her beauty. Once he honed in on her at the club, there would be no way she could ignore that seductive gaze, an aura that seemed to hypnotize her.

Every part of her skin he touched seemed to light a fire of desire in that exact spot. She needed so much more. The more of her he touched, the more it seemed to intensify, like an electric surge of pleasure constantly sizzling throughout. It was like a magic touch; if only she knew. All she knew was that she needed him to touch her everywhere, to be inside her. At first, she felt like the one in control, just as he wanted her to feel. When he was inside her, it was as if every fantasy in her life, every wet dream and sexual desire, had all built up to this moment as if preparing her for the ultimate pleasure.

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The Trapped Man

When you walk through the Erotic Halloween Haunted House, you’ll see him, though you’ll have heard all of his begging and moaning even from the entrance. It certainly looks erotic, seeing him being teased to the edge constantly while pleading with all of his heart for someone to let him come. It feels as if he’s calling out to every single person walking through. You’ll think to yourself about how good the acting is. You’ll perhaps wonder if they keep him in that state for the duration of the night or let him rest now and again. You might even wonder if or when they let him come at the end of the night, but once you move along, the thought will pass, and the rest of the venue will gain your attention.

If only you knew, though, that this was not an act, that there was no relief in sight for this tormented man. Nobody recalls quite how long this display has been one of the focal attractions of the venue, whether it was years or decades. Yet every year, it is the same, seeing his anguish at being stroked and teased relentlessly to the brink yet never allowed to come. Those hands caressing every inch of his shaft, massaging those balls so tight with the anticipation of orgasmic release. For you, it is merely a sight to behold for a few hours of a single night. For him, it is a torture endured endlessly. Those deep groans and cries for mercy have all been pent up for these brief moments in the year, hoping that somebody may have the power to release him from this hell of denial. Trapped on the cusp indefinitely. Never ageing, never needing anything other than the heavenly climax that has been withheld for years without a minute of respite. Maybe if you knew, you’d help. Or maybe you’d still walk on by, in fear that if you tried to end his suffering, you’d take his place and suffer the same fate.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: PrimalFetish