Your Sweet Torment

Let your imagination wander, your fingers will soon follow…

The tease is designed for use with a vibrator, though use whatever setting you feel best with. If you struggle to hold the vibrator or keep it against you when things get a little more intense, try using a belt around your waist to keep the vibe trapped in place (or placed beneath your underwear) while it is left on (this would also allow you to keep your arms and legs spread to further immerse you).

Do not dare orgasm until given permission of course, though if you do, be sure to stop and ruin it… then punish yourself by ruining your next orgasm.

Helplessly, all you can do is give in to the desires ceaselessly coursing through your body. Restrained and blindfolded, even the slightest touch from our fingertips sends a surge through you. Never has your pleasure been so out of your hands, entirely out of your own control.

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It isn’t merely the act itself that keeps you dripping with arousal. It’s knowing that you are the centre of our attention, the focal point of our lust and desire. That is why we haven’t let you climax quite yet. We want to keep you right at the point that we enjoy most, the moment where your own attention is on the same thing as ours, your pleasure. Where your orgasm is all your mind can focus on, the inescapable need. It keeps your pussy so wet, your clitoris so sensitive, and your moans so sweet. 

I just love when you don’t know which one of us you should beg to, which one of us might say the word you crave, ‘Come’.

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