Haunted House ‘Prison’

Forced to come again and again, she tries to hold back the tears of overstimulation for as long as possible.

Made to look like a prisoner being punished, she suffers throughout the night, restrained firmly on top of the Sybian vibrator. The worst is when the visitors of the haunted house get a chance to take over. As patrons of the haunted house walk by, the Sybian is set to a moderate vibration, keeping her slowly building towards the next climax for the guests to witness. Those who paid extra for the VIP pass, however, get the opportunity to take over the control of the Sybian. This is when it’s hardest for her to endure, when practically every guest spends the time turning it onto the maximum setting and leaving it that way for the duration.

Her screams for mercy as the vibrator devastates her oversensitive pussy blends in with the shrieks, bangs, wails and eerie sounds that bleed throughout the haunted house.

All she can do is endure the torment, unable to truly embrace the release of orgasmic joy and instead suffering the wrath of overstimulation. The Sybian drills her to the core; a sizzle of vibration turns into an unceasing earthquake in the hands of the guests.

As much as she tries to beg and plead for a moment of mercy, they view her as a prop in the show, an actress to entertain them.

Granted, she will be paid extra not to break character. She’s always been able to hold it together and earn her bonus. This year would be no different. Through her tears, as she orgasms beyond what she can handle, she pleads for mercy, begs them to stop and says that she’s innocent. She plays the part well.

When one of the staff ties a rope around her waist and hands it to one of the guests, she nearly breaks character as her clitoris suffers the full brunt of the Sybian. No longer able to try and wriggle away from the intense vibration, the passers-by are able to pull her forward and ensure that her swollen red clit is pummeled with stimulation.

Once she could finally breathe, once the crowds began to die down and the orgasms stopped blending into one another, she thought about the next night. She’d spend the next couple of nights abstaining from touching herself, wanting to ensure she didn’t become desensitized to the pleasure. She wanted to experience the complete pleasure of being absolutely at the mercy of the Sybian and the guests. It’s why she comes back every year, to experience it all over again.

Continue reading Haunted House ‘Prison’

I want to play a game.

As close friends, you have both accused the other of stealing pleasure from one another. A boyfriend here, a sexual partner there. You have both been correct at times, yet now shall be the time to see who truly can steal away the most ecstasy. Perhaps then you’ll both see that what goes around can often come back twice as hard.

The Sybian vibrators nestled so intently against your pussies are wired to one another. When one of you comes, the others will increase in intensity. You have twenty minutes. If one of you screams, my associate will enter and make things even more difficult. Endure the twenty minutes without begging for it to stop, and you will both be free. Fail, and it will start all over again.

Good luck. I recommend you both try and hold back.

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Just A Glitch

Just a glitch.

Just a glitch, she thought to herself, hoping. The buzzing once again slowly built up after that abrupt halt. The internet feed continued, so there didn’t seem to be any power outage; she thought that it must have been a malfunction of the Sybian vibrator’s program. It turned her on more than anything to know so many people were watching her in this state of pleasure, ready to see her orgasm over and over again. She had always been so sensitive, so easy to bring to orgasm. Little did she know that the purpose of the set was quite the opposite. 

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Test Subject: 009

Ensuring the potency of this substance has proven to be a rather lengthy process, though the results appear to have been worth the wait. The ability of substance 113, hereafter referred to as ‘SenseStop’, to prevent the post-orgasm refractory period from becoming painful has been previously uncertain. SenseStop has indeed caused for a large number of subjects to continue being stimulated to constant multiple orgasms without any pain/hypersensitivity (or loss of sensation). However, some of the subjects used proved to be able to experience multiple orgasms easily without SenseStop being administered, voiding the results. It could have been that the findings were exaggerated or researcher bias played a part in the results. Subject 009, however, has proven its potency.

She has spent many years with us, closely analysed to make sure that she always corresponded with our wishes to keep her as sensitive to stimulation as possible. During her first years as a subject here, forcing orgasms from her had proven exceptionally difficult due to her becoming overly sensitive after the initial orgasm, then quickly losing sensitivity afterwards if pushed much further. She has since been teased on a regular basis, only permitted to orgasm once every two weeks for the last few years, while being teased gently and denied orgasm outside of the allocated orgasm period. Even her periods of climax have purposely been gentle, stopping before any over-stimulation could occur, to the point where each orgasm has verged closely to being a ruined one. 

My desire has long been for subject 009 to be the guinea pig for SenseStop. This has proven very fruitful. Having administered the SenseStop gel to her vaginal region (most importantly, her clitoris) and restraining her to the most powerful vibrator in the lab’s possession, she has climaxed repeatedly for the last 40 minutes since her first orgasm. Her sexual essence has been dripping non-stop while she has continued to convulse in orgasm after orgasm. There has been no sign of pain or physical discomfort. Instead, she has only been screaming and crying out due to the intensity of pleasure. Having not experienced more than two orgasms in a row in her lifetime, this level of stimulation is beyond anything she could have imagined. Also, having spent so long just barely given any sexual gratification during masturbation and within the lab, the intensity of this proves the effectiveness of SenseStop. When this experiment was conducted in the past with her, without the substance, she lasted 10 seconds after the first climax before the test needed to be aborted. 

We had told her to count the number of orgasms, to tell us so that we could record the exact amount. We do indeed have the equipment to record how many, though her own account seemed more appropriate to me. She stopped after 8; however, since then, she has merely screamed and continued to beg us to stop making her come. It will be interesting to hear her own account of how it feels to experience such prolonged pleasure after never even enduring anything close to it. I propose repeating the experiment with her tomorrow, though I shall tell her that if she again fails to count, we will be forced to continue the experiment repeatedly until she can comply. 

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You had heard of the service they offered, always curious of how a Sybian would feel, to straddle something so powerful and unforgiving. The prospect of being able to book a session with not only a Sybian but also having someone there to aid you was like a dream come true.

After booking it online, your heart was racing with excitement when the doorbell rang; an attractive man carrying both the Sybian vibrator and a large mirror had arrived. You realised what the mirror was for once you finally stripped and mounted the machine. Once he sat behind you and caressed your body while you gazed at yourself, you were ecstatic. It turned you on so much more to see yourself in such a state of ecstasy. Once you felt the immense power of the vibrations nestled deeply between your inner thighs, you were in heaven. Once his hands began to hold you firmly down, whispering that he’ll keep you held in place after every orgasm – even when you felt like you might not be able to take any more – you knew you were in for the ride of your life.

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How does it feel? I cannot imagine the sensation of having a Sybian vibrator devastating your sex so intensely, such a brutal machine with complete mechanical indifference to the sensitivities of your delicate pussy.

Another orgasm? It must be drilling against your clitoris, shuddering through your entire body; though you are doing well, just five minutes left to go, don’t give up now.

That look of pained ecstasy – pure perfection!

Oh! Have you had enough?

Poor thing, you were so close. You only had to last a few more minutes, and it would have been over. I’d have let you off. Oh well, it looks like we’ll be getting the leg restraints out. If you thought that was intense before, think how it will feel now, being strapped to it and unable to pull away. In a minute, you’ll be wishing you had endured for those last few minutes – time for you to experience true orgasmic torture.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: KenMarcus

More Than You Can Endure

You said you wanted to be put through more pleasure than you have ever endured, more orgasms than you had ever dared strive for.

There is no turning back now. The Sybian stays tied to you while you lie there helplessly. If you could think straight, you’d be thinking of how you should have requested a break when it became too much, but right now, your very thoughts are flooded by the shuddering vibrations between your thighs.

Every 5 minutes it gets turned up higher. You can struggle as much as you like. After all, this is what you wanted, to be tortured with pleasure until you’d do anything to fight it off… you’ve got your wish.

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