Those fingers tease down towards your sex so tentatively, doing your best to stop yourself from working faster, imagining another’s fingertips tantalising you, savouring your thrusts of desire. Longingly you trail downwards, casting a line of attention directly towards where he would want to focus on. You imagine his intentions, yet just the thought of him getting ready to pounce on you sends a rush through your body. The thought of him spreading your legs and eating you out until you were a screaming, begging mess of pleasure.

You’ve edged yourself many times, yet for some reason, today feels so much harder, as if the tightness of your lingerie makes you so aware of the parts it covers, so aware of how much others would want to strip you right now, to masturbate you relentlessly, to pin you down and take turns denying you until you were writhing in need. The idea of them all waiting and anticipating clamping their mouths around and burying their tongues within your dripping wet pussy makes you quiver on the verge of orgasm.

Finally, as you back off and begin again, your thoughts turn to your current situation, alone in the room and indulging so much in your pleasures and fantasies. The way you can make your own body feel so much, how you so relish the way you can torment yourself, to push yourself to the brink of what your sex can handle. The thought of how your own fingertips can make you moan in such ecstasy makes you almost wish you weren’t so cruel to yourself, just so you could feel that orgasmic release right this second.

You know you can’t hold your orgasm back much longer. You are going to allow yourself to come very soon, though the question is simply what thought is going to be the one that you come to.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Submission by: annabell-leigh

When you were dancing with me in the club, you had no idea that I’d be the thrill you were seeking. When I asked you what your name was, did you ever expect that you’d be crying out mine while I took you with such animalistic ferocity? When our hips swayed to the music on the dance floor, did you possibly imagine that I’d be fucking you so relentlessly while your wrists were bound helplessly just the way you like, my bedroom set-up to accommodate the kinky desires you relish in? When you first saw me looking so inconspicuous amongst the crowd, did you have any idea that I’d delight in making you come until you could take no more? I’m going to fuck you until I’m certain that you’ll never forget just what I can do to you. 

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“The physicality of those restraints. To think about nothing else but those cuffs curled tightly around your wrists, knowing that when I’m thrusting hard into you from behind – when you are about to tell me it is too much, that you need that deep and intense pounding to stop – those restraints are what will make sure that you can’t stop me from taking you for as long as I desire.”

Content created by: PleasureTorture

“How is it that the girls give in so easily?”

“Well, the denial we put them through makes them want it so badly. Having an orgasm is all that is on their minds.”

“I still can’t imagine just not coming for a while would make someone that desperate enough to give up the chance to walk away with a grand in cash.”

“Trust me, being denied so many times really does work, especially when we promise to let them come after and not stop even after their first orgasm.”

“Hmmm, they must just be weak-willed.”

“How about we put you through what they experience and see how well you cope.”

She later regretted doubting the effects such need could have…

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The Club

She had been to this sex club many times before, if nothing more than to simply watch and enjoy the spectacle throughout the rooms; when she heard of the forced orgasm play room however, she thought that she’d have to finally get involved. She’d always wanted to experience the thrill of being made to come beyond her control, yet when her wrists were securely strapped, she began to wonder how much she’d be able to take. She was happy to let anyone have a turn using the toys on her, so long as her lingerie was kept on. Once she felt the immense vibration of the wand vibrator however, she felt entirely naked. The powerful buzzing against her pussy made it feel as if there was nothing between the vibrator and her delicate skin.

With the combination of such excitement from taking part and the intense new feelings that the toy was bringing her, the first orgasm took little time to hit her – and hit her hard it did. Her breath was taken away in an instant as her climax wracked her body. Only the chains could hold her up as her legs gave way, the vibrator and its handler not giving any respite. The second and third orgasms shook her to the very core. So unrelenting and penetrating was this vibration to her sex that it almost scared her how much of an effect it was having. Still it did not stop.

No matter how much she tried to close her legs, they would not stop using the vibrator on her. No matter how much she looked at them in a pleading way, begging with them that she couldn’t orgasm any more, they still continued to make her come. Only after her clitoris became numb with over-sensitivity and her pussy lips were swollen red were the cuffs on her wrists removed.

Once carefully taken down, she was led to a chair to rest, yet little did she know that it was not over yet. While collecting herself and regaining her breath and composure, they began restraining her to the chair. While she could have easily told them that she had reached her limit, somehow, the words wouldn’t come out; she wanted to see where this would take her. While in her mind, she was curious as to whether she could come again, her body was not ready for it; the vibrator pressed to her overstimulated pussy and made every muscle in her body clench. Screaming, she tried all she could to get away from the stimulation, but it did no good. After fighting to swivel her hips and close her thighs to the torrent of torturous pleasure, she gave in and said she was finished. While it stopped, the man, now in control of the wand, spoke.

“Okay… just one more orgasm, and then we can untie you.”

Screaming, writhing and almost in tears of pleasure, that was the most intense, rewarding orgasm she would ever have.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

The smoothness as you let it glide between your lips before feeling that vibration against your tenderness. There is a little voice in the back of your mind that urges you to slide it underneath, to trap it against you. Even as it becomes more and more intense, that little voice compels you to fight the urge to stop it. Your legs, your hands, your hips… powerless against the desires of your sex to be pushed further and further. You whisper to yourself that you can’t take any more; the voice in your mind tells you that you must… that you will.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: NewSensations


I like keeping your lingerie on. It lets you understand that there’s so much more that you will feel. Such sweet anticipation.

How your hips rock for attention while my tongue merely flutters against those exposed little parts, so close yet so far. So much teasing along your pussy lips, all with the intent to keep you focused so much on that one little area that isn’t being touched yet. Then when my mouth finally presses firmly to your centre, you pull against the restraints in a mixture of delight and longing – the delight of the contact you have craved and the longing for just that little bit more.

I’m going to keep you like this for a while, the whole time making you wish that this little piece of fabric wasn’t shielding your delicacy from my lips.

Think of that mouth pressing to that soft, sensitive little wet slope. Let’s see if the anticipation alone is enough to make you come before the act itself.

Anticipation… the epitome of pleasure.

Content created by: PleasureTorture