“See? That’s how you want her to be, with her hips constantly rocking and swaying in need for you to give her what you want. When she keeps saying that she wants you to make her beg, she really means it. No matter how much she whines and moans and squeals out that she wants to come, do not give in. She wouldn’t have asked for me to help you both with this if she truly wanted you to make her orgasm every time she asked for it.

No, just carry on watching. I know you want to fuck her bad; she’d give anything for you to slide that into her right now, but that is exactly why I’m here, you’ve got to learn to wait until she really can’t take any more, and I know fully well that she can take more teasing than this. 

Right now, she is feeling like her clitoris is five times its size, with the sensation of her heartbeat seeming to radiate from her throbbing pussy. Soon you can come closer, and we’ll start to use your cock to tease her wet little entrance, but I want to play with her a little more first. I just love the way her hips try and entice me for more. Besides, we still have another two hours of the session left. You might as well get your money’s worth.”

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She thought he’d have let her come by now, yet he had no intention of it. Feeling her hips sway up and down with the rhythm of his cruel tongue makes him want to push her way past her limits. He circles her clitoris for a minute; that slithering wet sensation tracing the very edges of her swollen button makes her scream and plead.

After a minute, he strokes it left and right over the tip of her throbbing clit ten times. The way she shudders every time he makes contact with it gives him more reason to never stop this torturous cycle.

On and on he goes… a minute of circling before ten whips of his patient tongue. She had prayed that he would have gotten tired by now, that he wouldn’t be able to keep it up for so long.

Now all she can do is cry out for mercy. He simply smirks… another minute coming up.

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