Your Dreams: Back On The Table

Even when you wake up, the longing and sexual desire wrought upon you by those dreams continues to course throughout.

Over the day, you think back to those moments, looking up and seeing them surrounding you, working you relentlessly. The hell of being forced to orgasm so cruelly without the possibility of rest, without the mercy of even being able to succumb to unconsciousness still fresh in your mind. The way they seemed to take such enjoyment from your screams, such pleasure from keeping your pussy juices dripping constantly, made you shiver. 

You can’t decide which you feel more of, anticipation or fear… knowing what may be happening all over again once you go back to sleep. The memory of the women caressing you, imprisoning you with pure lust and desire, mingles with the thoughts of how much they had tormented you. No matter how much you cried out from the orgasms, how much your clitoris throbbed achingly as it was licked by the flames of overstimulation, they didn’t stop for a second.

In the dream world, the merciless torment they put you through went on for hours. The thought of enduring it all over again arouses and terrifies you in equal measure. Each time you close your eyes, you see them all over again, how they groped and pinched and fingerfucked you, constantly exploring your overstimulated body. As the night draws on, you get sleepier and sleepier, closer to feeling their embrace once again. No matter whether you consider it a dream or a nightmare, you are powerless to prevent it; you will return to them.

Continue reading Your Dreams: Back On The Table

Your Dreams: On The Table

Your dreams have been so unusual and erotic lately, yet this was the most vivid and intense you have ever had. That sensation of being helpless and surrounded that has often turned you on seemed to merge with the desire to be manhandled and dominated by other women.

The dream of being in an operating theatre, yet simply being there to be pleasured relentlessly, had you dripping throughout the night. No matter how much they made you come, how intensely your body strained as they kept rubbing and fingering your overstimulated pussy, you couldn’t seem to wake up; it simply would not stop. Kept in this dream world, you couldn’t pass out or become dehydrated. You simply had to endure the non-stop assault of orgasm after orgasm. With your pussy juices coating the table and the bed you were asleep in, and with your entire body shaking and convulsing in the throes of constant orgasms, no matter how you tried to close your legs and rest, they kept spreading you open and starting all over again.

Yet even when you do finally wake up, will it all simply end there?

Continue reading Your Dreams: On The Table