She had tried for so long to sell the property, yet every time a buyer was on the knife edge, they backed out, leaving the residence in her hands yet again. After the situation repeated itself time and time again, she decided to finally look closely into the stories of it being haunted, which she had always laughed off. After an entire day spent basking in the comfortable, luxurious mansion, there were no signs of any activity that could cause alarm. It was only when she decided to take a nap on the sumptuous leather Chesterfield that she’d experienced what so many before her had sensed.
Without even the slightest creek of the wood-panelled floor, the women materialised out of nowhere and weightlessly formed a circle around their sleeping prey. For so long they had driven others out of their dwelling in order to find those who would satisfy their appetite. To feast on the deepest of their prey’s fantasies, this one would prove to be a most fulfilling banquet.
First, they caressed her, their touches doing little to stir the slumbering female until their forms began to more physically manifest and present themselves upon her body. Once she awoke, she believed she was in a dream, able to notice the faintest transparency in the female forms around her while still in a daze. Only when they began to strip her did she realise it was reality, though it was too late. The whispers seemed to penetrate her mind, telling her that she was in no danger, that they merely wanted to satisfy her desires. Whether it was the way they touched her so tenderly, whether it was the fact that this was her innermost deepest fantasy, or whether they held some kind of power over her, she felt so calm and unfazed by the situation. Somewhere, there was a fear, a sense of unease, yet every time her mind tried to override her body’s passive state, the touches and caresses pulled her back within their grasp. Even when she tried to tear away from them just before she was stripped completely naked, the hands clasped around her and held her back in place, indicating that she could do nothing but give in; she knew then that she was theirs for the taking.
She wasn’t sure whether they could read her mind or her arousal, or whether they had merely done this so many times that they could play any mortal like an instrument, but every touch seemed to resonate more than what anyone had ever accomplished with her before. They teased and tantalised her with abandon until her hips rocked for something more. The female entities then took turns using the vibrator on her, continuously bringing her to the brink before backing off. However many times they had done this, they never grew tired of those beautiful moans, those delightful screams. Those sensations that they themselves could never feel again. It brought them a little respite to bring about such sensations that they could never forget. Trapped in a hell of longing, they would make sure to keep their prisoners in this state for as long as possible. To keep her in their snare of pleasure and to hear her constantly beg with need and then beg them to stop. All the while savouring those screams and moans of orgasmic anguish. The cycle continued; her body was pushed to the edge with the cruel agony of denial before being plunged into the abyss of forced orgasms.
She did not know which was worse, the need she felt when they kept her from coming or the torture of enduring that vibrator being pressed against her pulsating clitoris after she came again and again. Any time she tried to stop it, that inhuman grip held her in place and forced her to endure so much more. It was beyond too much, but she soon realised she would have to take it. Either she could give in and tell them to stop or withstand this constant barrage of torturous denial and forced orgasms, constantly keeping her locked in a cycle of begging for the other sensation to return until the end of the night. Even though it was too much, she did not want this living fantasy to end. Though she felt that even if she pleaded with them to stop, they would not grant her such mercy quite so soon into the evening.

Content created by: PleasureTorture
Image source from: Magma