“We’ve received another video from them, though this time it appears to be a regular human civilian. We can only assume that she may have been dressed like one of our members for Halloween, completely unaware of the possible dangers; another reason why our battle with these fiends should have been made public, as I had requested.
As you are aware, D27X’s ability to slow down one’s perception of time has caused for even our top agents to succumb to his interrogation techniques. Previous agents who had been captured after infiltrating their facility had given up all they knew after no time at all, and these were people who had been trained vigorously to withstand such methods of torture. Now that they are on the offensive, this poor girl has been caught up in the middle, completely unaware and with no chance at all.
It is unclear from the video whether they are already aware that this girl is not one of our agents. The start of the video simply shows her screaming out that she doesn’t know who they are or where she is. It is clear, however, when the time manipulation starts. It seems like he started it at the moment she climaxed. She is clearly unable to vocalise, trapped in a constant cycle of orgasmic sensations. Those of you who have encountered D27X or studied him can attest to his ability to make one second feel like one hour. Although the video cuts out after 30 minutes, the constant whimpers and tears from the girl, trapped in the torturous sensation of an ongoing orgasm in extreme slow motion, show that he was using his abilities on her to the fullest. Whether to gain what he thought would be information from her or simply for his own sickening delights, this currently unknown girl has had to suffer through unimaginable sexual torment. We must warn the public of what dangers are out there. Otherwise, this cruel situation will present itself again and again.”
Content created by: PleasureTorture
Image source from: Primal