To say she was suffering would be quite an understatement. Having agreed to participate in the drug trial, which promised to net her a tidy little sum of money for what seemed to be quite an erotic experience, she had no idea that it would become this torturous. 

While she fully understood that a drug would be administered to entirely debilitate her, rendering her unable to move, she did not expect this level of stimulation. When they had told her that they wanted to test her levels of sexual response while under the drug, she thought they’d meant some light touching and fondling for a few minutes; now that she’d been here for over an hour, she realised just how wrong she was.

Trapped within the near motionless prison that was her own body, she was only able to moan; no matter how much she tried, she could not scream out and beg for them to stop torturing her pussy with stimulation. Repeatedly the woman in charge of administering the stimulation finger-fucked her dripping wet opening and massaged her pulsating clitoris without relenting for even a moment. It hadn’t taken long for the tormented girl to realise that the drug not only inhibited any motion, it also prevented her from being able to climax. The rushing tide of orgasm seemed to ceaselessly push against the barriers of her sexual need for release to no avail, just constantly building without respite, making her body and mind feel ready to explode, unable to cope nor control it. 

The test would be over once the drug wore off, which would be when her orgasm could finally tear free from the shackles of her drug-induced denial. It would be an orgasm that, once it arrived, would be enough to make her pass out, though sadly for her, it would be nearly another hour of tortured longing before such wonderful, much needed release.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: Hegre

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